PowerFormat Working Group

The introduction of PowerFormat Working Group

(The activities have been suspended in 2010.)

- Purpose
Today, there are two "standard" format to design a low power System-LSI, CPF(Common Power Format) and UPF(Unified Power Format). Many System-LSI designers use a tool-chain composed from several EDA vendor's tool, so two "standard" formats will cause some problems of conversion or compatibility. This working group contributes to the international standardization activity of the Power Format with paying attention to inter-operability between CPF and UPF to keep convenience of System-LSI designer.

- Activities
This working group was organized as "Power Format Study working group" on Oct. 2007. At the moment, both power format has been implementing to several EDA tools by EDA vendors. Even if the formats are unified to one, there will be disorder after 3 to 5 years to migrate to the new format. So we decided not to try to unify them to single format, but to try to keep their inter-operability as the first object.
We jointed the balloting of UPF V2.0 IEEE P1801 started on Oct '2008. Our members reviewd the draft mainly from keeping inter-operability against CPF point of view and proposed 13 feedbacks including inprovement, then 4 our proposals were accepted. We keep watching further direction of two formats.